If you’re a woman in your 40s and 50s, you would have grown up in an era where there wasn’t much talk about women lifting weights or even getting into the gym. And the only time I can remember anything remotely like that was when the Commonwealth Games were on in 1982, where you saw …
What the weight loss industry doesn’t want you to know
The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that thrives on people’s desire to lose weight quickly and easily and leads you to believe you will have the body you want. And it continues to grow every year. Why is that a concern? Many are simply ineffective or even harmful. They are unsustainable, unhealthy, …
Why you’re not losing weight & keeping your results.
For many women, the thought of losing weight can bring up all sorts of thoughts & emotions. “What if I can’t lose weight.” “What if I can’t stick to it.” Your concerns are valid. There is so much conflicting information out there that you just don’t know who or what to believe. All you want …